nutrition question


nutrition question

投稿記事by joejonsme » 2018年5月22日(火) 19:49


I'm fairly new to cycling (3 weeks)I've slowly built up to a 25 mile ride.However when I first did a 20 mile ride I found my energy levels just switched off after 15 miles.I've been using gels since and haven't had any problems.However I've been looking at the options available and I've got a question.
If I was to get an energy drink, would I no longer need gels or would the drink and gels work together?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

References: ... t=12902538
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記事: 1
登録日時: 2018年5月21日(月) 20:26

Re: nutrition question

投稿記事by sasaki » 2018年5月23日(水) 09:48


You simply need to get more carbo before or during cycling.
Gels and energy drinks are OK if you want to get them, but they don't make big difference.
They don't contain enough carbo or protein.
(It's important in point of view of hydration, but water is enough for that.)

If you don't want to get additionl calories, increase carbo before cycling and reduce them of other meals.

I wish you good luck.
記事: 749
登録日時: 2016年5月12日(木) 15:24
お住まい: 北海道

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